Bazarkurdistan: Kurdish tanbur (Kurdish: تهمبوور، تهمیره) or tanbour a fretted string instrument, is an initial and main form of the tanbūr instrument family, used by the Kurds.It is highly associated with the Yarsan faith in Kurdish areas. It is one of the few musical instruments used in Yarsan rituals, and practitioners venerate the tembûr as a sacred instrument.
Another popular percussion instrument used together with the tembur is the Kurdish daf, but that’s not sacred in Yarsan spirituality and Jam praying ceremony.
The tanbur in the Yarsan faith is not just an instrument; it is a mediator of speech, sound, and sacredness. It embodies the glory of connecting with the sun. The notes of the tanbur are intertwined with the truth of reincarnation.
Dr. Partow Hoshamandrad, a musician and researcher of tanbur maqams, has written about the life and playing style of Pegah Salimi:
Pegah Salimi has studied the tanbur maqams from an early age under the guidance of her father, Kourosh Salimi, who is a disciple of Darwish Jahangir Darwishi. She was raised in a Kurdish family with a profound passion for music-making. Additionally, she has been fortunate to benefit from the presence of her grandfather, Ostad Moaref Amiri, one of the respected daftar-khwans of the region. Since 2005, Pegah has also gained invaluable insights from the teachings of the well-known tanbur player, Ali-Akbar Moradi. As a young and accomplished instrumentalist, she is not only one of the few female tanbur players but also an expert in the maqams and skilled in employing unique ornamentations and techniques associated with the older generation of Gurân instrumentalists. Salimi has persistently endeavored to expand her knowledge of the history and musical repertoire of Gurân while committing to memory early instrumental and vocal renditions of the nazms. Pegah’s formal academic education encompasses both business management and music.
Pegah Salimi has participated in several national and international festivals and concerts. Selections from these events are listed below:
• Solo and instrumental performance at the Austrian 4020 festival (2015)
• Performances in Soleimanieh (2012)
• First place in the provincial Kurdish music festival in Dalahu (2011)
• First place in the second festival of Dalahu tanbur performers (2009)
• First place in the first festival of Dalahu tanbur performers (2007)
• First place in the sixth festival of Kurdish music in Sanandaj (2006)
• First place in the Kermanshah provincial music competition (2006)
• Chosen instrumentalist at the Kermanshah solo music festival.